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  Hugh Wooding Law Library

The Hugh Wooding Law Library, in Trinidad, utilizes a web-based library circulation system to enter data records about its books, media and periodicals. The library did not have a security system to detect items leaving the library without being appropriately checked-out to the person borrowing the items. The library sought a technology to provide both security at exit points, but also the ability to inventory the library and to rapidly find missing items.
SmartTraxx software was customized to the library's data and labeling requirements, and the database was populated with approximately 10,000 records from their host circulation system. Each of these items was labeled with RFID labels including text information about the item and the author, and other items not in the host database were added to SmartTraxx and the items labeled. Now, if an item leaves the library without being checked-out to an approved recipient, RFID at the doorway triggers alarm and flashing lights. A portable RFID scanner is utilized for rapid library inventories and to find missing items. The library now has to most modern technology for managing the items owned and that are lent to students and the public.