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  State of New Jersey Court System

The State of New Jersey Court System, Monmouth County, maintains approximately 75,000 files that travel frequently to and from Court proceedings and that are frequently accessed by attorneys, prosecutors and the public. Inevitably, files needed for any constituent too often could not be located in a timely manner, and Court proceedings were periodically compromised. There was no records management software in place to identify, track and manage folder locations and retention status.
SmartTraxx was implemented to identify, track and manage archiving and destruction cycles for records. The database was populated with data from the statewide Case Management System, and new records and records with data changes export from the statewide CMS to SmartTraxx each night, to keep the databases synced. RFID antennas were placed at file room doorways and RFID ID cards were issued to the primary staff that pull files. Now the database knows where records are located, and missing files can be rapidly found with the portable RFID scanner.